Memory that given by you are so wonderfulI'll never forgot all the day that we pass together
July 12,2010
You been to China for 2 weeks with your parents
I feel so down
I wonder why was my time pass so slow?
How was I going to make it moved faster?
July 20,2010
You brought me some good news
You're comin back 4 dayz earlier thn the date that u told me
I felt so happy that moment
Time rili do pass fast :')
August 4,2010
You been to Johor for a week
I feel a lil bit down
But still can get through you
Just like you're in Tawau
August 9-August 18,2010
The last week you stay in Tawau before you go to KL
The happiest week I ever been through
I feel so happy that you're here with me all the time
I feel the love
August 19,2010-August 26,2010
The week before u go to China
I'm not as sad as the 1st time you left
It's because I still can get through you
I Miss You all dis dayz
August 27,2010
The feeling that I have now is unwilling you to leave more than sad
I feel so sad that I can't get through you before you on board =C
Another week is going to pass without you
I think I'll be alright and refresh the wonderful memory that create by you
Take very good care of yourself there,I will take good care of myself here
Just gonna tell you that ♥ you all the time,Miss owas LZJ :')