Saturday, April 17, 2010


good that today don hv driving lesson...else i rili dono hw to drive in dis weather lea...the rain so heavy and nw bcz of the thunder my hse hv power cut....long time didn't hv try dis liao...good tat rain is big enuf...else we hot die liao..=S...

another matter here...wonder y tos ppl wanna to do lyk dis...i rili hv a great cht wf Jest and oso Nee...we cht alot frm last nite and dis morning...haha....we rili wonder y tos ppl can do lyk dis...yer~~~~

oh yea,i heard a song frm facebook tat sharing nice lea...=D...check dis song out...nee said can heal frm emo...林忆莲-默读悲伤


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